Frequently Asked Questions
Is only for Australian based enthusiasts?
Yes. At the moment we are only targeting Australian based enthusiasts (i.e people who live in Australia). Although we will be opening it up to other countries if there is demand.
Do you really donate to 10% of every premium ad to charity?
Yes. 10% of every premium ad that is posted on sellmodified is donated to charity. We will be doing the donation every 3-6 months and will announce which charity we donate to via our page.
Can I get a sticker / t-shirt / hoodie etc?
Not quite yet. Stickers will be coming soon though.
Are uploads and basic for sale ads free?
Yes. At the moment we are only charging for users to post premium for sale ads. Basic ads and uploads are free and always will be.
Do you allow advertising on
If it's spammy no. We have business, event and club listings coming soon so we will allow advertising through them. If you would like to advertise via banner advertising, contact us so we can discuss in more detail.
Will you sponsor me? I'm awesome I promise
At the moment no. When we start to turn a profit then we will look to sponsor events etc. If you're really really awesome then contact us
Can I post my car if it has no modifications
Absolutely. As long as it is an automobile its welcome on
I've got a question not covered here
No problems, head over to the contact page and send us your query, we'll be happy to help however we can.